We are very pleased to announce that Cherith Wilson has joined our team at Abolishion. She will be project managing all the work for our first shelter. She brings years of project management experience to the table as well as a passion for Europe, and particularly Romania. Although based in Australia, she will be spending 3 months each year in Romania to ensure everything is done like clockwork.
We've asked Cherith some questions so you can get to know her.
What impacted you most when you visited the field?
The dedication and commitment of the staff already working in the field. Specifically in Oradea, it was the initial willingness of the government agency, police, social workers and other community NGO’s to work together to fight this in their community. My heart went out to the young people that we met in Moldova who were in the state-run transition facility with no real advocate to protect them. I saw firsthand what it means to be vulnerable.
Why is a shelter needed?
Of the 170 cases officially registered in Oradea in the last 2 years, there was no medium term safe house care that these girls required. Not all girls can return to their family. Disparate apartments dotted around the city are an expensive option and it is harder to develop a sense of community and provide a full set of services for these girls.
What excites you about this role?
That I, in a small way globally speaking, can be instrumental in making a difference . Everyone can do something!
That I can better get to know the team that I will be working with – their skills, talent and encourage them and be a part of this.
To enjoy daily life in a culture very different to mine will be a side-benefit. Cooking, getting around and perhaps picking up some of the language, learning the culture.
How can people get involved with the shelter?
Contact Anthony Wilson or myself if in Australia and you would like to volunteer. Opportunities include joining the team to setup the house (2 weeks in Oradea), running a monthly prayer meeting for interested parties.
Sign up to Abolishion.
Run a fundraiser for the shelter
Help me with logistics, planning.
Help with education and awareness sessions perhaps attached to a charity lunch etc. Get onboard!
Open to all ideas...
Why do you want to fight human trafficking?
In a general sense, we are all profiting from the exploitation of vulnerability and to the detriment of our societies, we go for cheaper goods, services NOW without looking beyond the “wrappers” as to how those goods and services were constructed.
How can we be silent and say nothing when we know the extent of modern day trafficking. We have been given so much and have to speak out, do something.
I hate the thought of the ‘wolves’ in our society preying on our children.
We are delighted to have you on the team Cherith! We know you are going to make our shelters the best they can be.
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