Leanne Rhodes published Art & Soul helps anti-trafficking specialists process vicarious trauma in Abolishion Updates 2019-11-12 12:30:05 +1100
Art & Soul helps anti-trafficking specialists process vicarious trauma
Abolishion was pleased to to bring Art & Soul to European anti-trafficking workers in Pescara, Italy. On May 25, 2019, we hosted a one day event to 20 members of the European Freedom Network. The Art & Soul program was created by Dr. Michelle Sanders, who also sits on the Abolishion board.
Leanne Rhodes published Medical professional learn how to combat human trafficking in Abolishion Updates 2019-07-24 20:54:02 +1000
Medical professionals learn how to combat human trafficking
Abolishion in partnership with Colegiului Medicilor Bihor were pleased to hold a conference on the Intersection of Human Trafficking and the Medical Sector on Tuesday May 15 at the Hilton Doubletree in Oradea. The event was attended by 157 medical professionals as well as notable medical speakers.
Leanne Rhodes published Students ask questions about trafficking victims in Abolishion Updates 2019-07-24 19:56:29 +1000
Students ask questions about trafficking victims
Abolishion has developed a Schools Against Human Trafficking program. This program informs teachers, students and parents about human trafficking techniques and is targeted at communities where we know human trafficking is happening. Our first session deals with how to be safe on social media and how traffickers work to recruit young people online.
Leanne Rhodes published At risk teenagers learn about human trafficking on EU Anti-Trafficking Day in Abolishion Updates 2019-07-24 19:26:02 +1000
At risk teenagers learn about human trafficking on EU Anti-Trafficking Day
On EU Anti-trafficking day Abolishion was invited to watch Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, a documentary about modern human trafficking and sex slavery, at an event hosted by Love-Bihor and Casa Nansen. This event targeted at risk teenagers.
Leanne Rhodes published ROAM Living creates jobs for survivors in Abolishion Updates 2018-02-03 01:25:15 +1100
ROAM Living intentionally creates jobs for survivors
In 2017, Abolishion launched a social enterprise called ROAM Living. ROAM makes high quality leather products of distinction and seeks to intentionally create jobs for survivors of human trafficking. We make leather laptop and notebook covers as well as key chains and luggage tags.
'We started ROAM last year with lots of work on product design and trialling our products in various markets.' said Leanne Rhodes, CEO and founder of Abolishion. 'We're not 100% there yet but we have seen what the impact of having a job has on survivors.'
Be Safe on Social Media
Be Safe On Social Media
Watch the Video
Watch and see how people can be trafficked online.
Leanne Rhodes published 2015/16 Annual Report is out! in Abolishion Updates 2016-12-23 05:46:35 +1100
The 2015/16 Annual Report is out!
Abolishion's 2015/2016 Annual Report is out! We're pretty proud of all we've been able to achieve this financial year.
Cybercrime and Sextortion
Abolishion's Leanne Rhodes and Ioana Humelnicu were pleased to present at the 6th Agota International Administration Conference at Agora University this December.
Don't Shut Your Eyes
Our team and local community were privileged to create a video on human trafficking that was used all over Europe. We specifically created this video for the European Freedom Network, a network of 241 partners working to fight human trafficking and commercial exploitation across Europe.
Leanne Rhodes published Human Trafficking and Refugees in Abolishion Updates 2016-12-23 00:26:43 +1100
Human Trafficking and Refugees
Whilst in Athens, Greece, Abolishion had the opportunity to visit refugee camps and see first hand the impact of the refugee crisis. We took time to hear the stories and see the needs. We also got an understanding of how human trafficking is happening amongst this highly at-risk group, particularly the 10,000 unaccompanied children that have gone missing.
Street Theatre in Athens
In September the Abolishion team joined with Concordia University to bring awareness of human trafficking to Athens, Greece through the medium of street theatre.
breaking the systems
that keep people
in sexual slaveryWhat we do
find out more about abolishion
We are so excited about this project!
We're working in Romania to establish our Restore Home and Restore Care services.
Restore is all about supporting women who have been trafficked to live empowered lives.
We need your help to get this project off the ground.
Learn about Human Trafficking
Knowledge is power!
Sign up for the email course and learn about the realities of Human Trafficking.
It only takes 5 minutes a day for 30 days.
Get the power to make real change!
Support the work of abolishion
YOUR donation will help to fight human trafficking right where it happens.
It also provides care and empowerment to survivors of human trafficking.
YOU really can make a difference!
Get Involved
How can YOU be involved in the life changing work of Abolishion?
There are lot's of opportunities to fit your passion, wherever you are in the world!
Help me to fight human trafficking!
Will you wear heels all day on July 30 to put yourself in the shoes of women who suffer from trafficking? You can also donate $20, $35, $50 or whatever you can to help prevent human trafficking right where it happens. Show that you care today by registering at http://adayinhershoes.org/