



breaking the systems
that keep people
in sexual slavery





 What we do 




We run prevention programs and awareness campaigns right where human trafficking happens.


We provide industry based training on prevention and survivor care. 


We work with government and existing networks to tighten the gaps in anti-trafficking work. 



We provide care to survivors of human trafficking, empowering them to live independent lives.


find out more about abolishion


We are so excited about this project!

We're working in Romania to establish our Restore Home and Restore Care services.

Restore is all about supporting women who have been trafficked to live empowered lives.

We need your help to get this project off the ground.


 Learn about Human Trafficking 


Knowledge is power!

Sign up for the email course and learn about the realities of Human Trafficking.

It only takes 5 minutes a day for 30 days.

Get the power to make real change!

Support the work of abolishion


YOUR donation will help to fight human trafficking right where it happens.  

It also provides care and empowerment to survivors of human trafficking.

YOU really can make a difference!


Get Involved

How can YOU be involved in the life changing work of Abolishion?

There are lot's of opportunities to fit your passion, wherever you are in the world!