On Monday, May 29, Abolishion together with People 2 People Foundation had the opportunity to have a table at a volunteer festival. The table consisted of sign ups to volunteer with us, sign ups for our 30 day email course on human trafficking, brochures on how to be safe on social media, how to identify a trafficker, a message board to write messages to survivors, and hand made Abolishion leather bracelets! Our current volunteers walked around the event handing out flyers and encouraging people to visit our table.
People would sit around the table taking quizzes to see how safe they are on social media and left the table representing an Abolishion bracelet. We not only had people sign up to volunteer and for the 30 day email course but also were able to educate people on the importance of protecting themselves on social media. People received flyers with key points on how to identify a trafficker and the rights a victim of trafficking has! It was amazing to have this opportunity to bring awareness to this issue within the community and to give the people in their community an opportunity to help make a difference.
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